App Account Deletion
Last updated: 20 August 2024 12:48 pm AEST
Thank you for choosing to use the Boundaries Health Check app provided by us, Convosique Pty. Ltd.
This App Account Deletion page is an integral part of the broader agreement between you and Convosique Pty. Ltd., as outlined in the Terms and Conditions of Service and Privacy Policy governing your use of the Boundaries Health Check app. By accepting the Terms and Conditions of Service, you also accept, acknowledge, and agree to the terms on this App Account Deletion page.
This page contains step by step instructions on how to request the deletion of your account.
To delete your account data, follow these steps:
1. Tap “Account” from the bottom of the screen in the main app navigation menu.
2. Under "Profile Details," look for the link to "Update or Delete Account".
2. Scroll to bottom of the “Account” screen.
3. On the next screen titled "Update Account," look for the trash icon and tap the link to "Tap here to delete your account."
4. A pop up window will appear asking you to confirm deletion.
5. Tap “Confirm” to proceed.
After deletion, we follow the terms set out in the Privacy Policy linked above.
Currently we are unable to support the re-establishment of your account after deletion.