This page last updated: 4 May 2024 10:15 AM AEST
What is my Boundaries Health Check Score and Status?
This page answers that question in detail.
Screenshot with notes:

What is the Boundaries Dashboard?
In the app, each relationship that you track is gets its own dashboard, which we call the "Boundaries Dashboard". The dashboard contains one circular gauge on top and a breakdown of your scores underneath. Using the metaphor of a vehicle's dashboard, the scores and lights represent the health of the relationship. Each time you complete a Boundaries Health Check in the Boundaries Health Check app, the numbers and lights on the Dashboard will change, depending on how you answered the questions in the Boundaries Health Check for that relationship. It's like the lights and dials on your car's dashboard which serve as essential communication tools, helping you to make better decisions by providing crucial health status information. The more checks you complete, the more data you have to make better boundaries decisions. Watch your score to determine which relationships may need a boundaries adjustment.
What are checks, scores, and status?
Each time you complete a Boundaries Health Check on the Boundaries Health Check app, we call it a "check". You can complete a boundaries "check" for any human relationship in your life - personal or professional. We encourage you to checks often - daily or weekly - for the most impactful human relationships in your life.  When you complete a check, your scores for that check are saved. Those saved scores are then averaged in with your entire history of checks for that relationship. Similar to how a car's dashboard displays lights to indicate the car's health, a health status light will appear on the "Boundaries Dashboard" for that relationship based on your history of scores. Your score is re-calculated every time you complete a check. One of three "dashboard lights" will appear in the "YOUR STATUS" section, depending on your total history of scores for your relationship. To learn more about each of the three dashboard status lights, continue reading below.
What is a healthy boundaries status?

When your Boundaries Dashboard displays the green shield with a cross inside, this means that your total Boundaries Health Check Score for this relationship is within the highest of the three ranges. If your current Boundaries Health Check Score (in the center of your Dashboard) falls anywhere within the range of 80 to 100, then you will see the healthy boundaries status light. Great job in making decisions and taking actions that are healthy for you in this relationship! As described in the book, "The Boundaries Health Check", this score is about how you feel in this relationship and the health of your own decisions and actions in this relationship. The other person(s) in your relationship has their own feelings, actions, and decisions to measure and track. Learn more by reading the book, "The Boundaries Health Check" or by joining a live event, or by checking out any one of our other options on the boundariescheck.com home page. Use the feedback form in the app to send questions, if you have any.
What is a mediocrity or risk status?

When your Boundaries Dashboard displays the yellow shield with a question symbol inside, this means that your total Boundaries Health Check Score for this relationship is within the middle of the three ranges. If your current Boundaries Health Check Score (in the center of your Dashboard) falls anywhere within the range of 50 to 79, then you will see the yellow boundaries status light. It's time to look at your decisions and actions in this relationship and decide which of your boundaries need adjustment, so that you can increase your Boundaries Health Check Score. As described in the book, "The Boundaries Health Check", this score is about how you feel in this relationship and the health of your own decisions and actions in this relationship. The other person(s) in your relationship has their own feelings, actions, and decisions to measure and track. Learn more by reading the book, "The Boundaries Health Check" or by joining a live event, or by checking out any one of our other options on the boundariescheck.com home page. Use the feedback form in the app to send questions, if you have any.
What is a danger or urgency status?

When your Boundaries Dashboard displays the red shield with an exclamation symbol inside, this means that your total Boundaries Health Check Score for this relationship is within the lowest of the three ranges. If your current Boundaries Health Check Score (in the center of your Dashboard) falls anywhere within the range of 0 to 49, then you will see the red boundaries status light. This points to possibly dangerously low scores, which means the health of your boundaries may need your urgent attention. Examine your decisions and actions in this relationship and decide which of your boundaries need adjustment, so that you can increase your Boundaries Health Check Score. As described in the book, "The Boundaries Health Check", this score is about how you feel in this relationship and the health of your own decisions and actions in this relationship. The other person(s) in your relationship has their own feelings, actions, and decisions to measure and track. Learn more by reading the book, "The Boundaries Health Check" or by joining a live event, or by checking out any one of our other options on the boundariescheck.com home page. Use the feedback form in the app to send questions, if you have any.
Screenshot with notes added:

Can you explain the breakdown of my score?
Each relationship you track has its own "Boundaries Dashboard." On the dashboard underneath the large circle gauge, you will see ten scores based on your total history of Boundaries Health Checks for that relationship. Every time you complete a check, each of these ten scores are re-calculated to show your newest average. The top four dashboard lights (oil can, battery, fuel, and temperature) are like a car dashboard, symbolizing when to act, i.e., when to adjust your boundaries. Like a car, when you see that oil light is yellow or red, it’s time to consider taking action. Below the lights, the six dials below show you what actions you may want to take (i.e., which boundaries you want to increase or decrease) in order to improve your boundaries health. When one of the dashboard lights turn red or yellow, you can look at your six boundaries dials to see which boundary might be likely to fix or improve the issue. The lights and dials aim to help you name and identify what areas might need your attention or action in this relationship. The more frequently you complete a "check," the more accurate your health status will be. See the screenshot for more information.  However, for even more specific advice, check out The Boundaries Health Check book, which will walk you through detailed and personalized changes you may wish to make and a through plan of your own to get there. Remember: your boundaries consist of your own decisions and actions in the relationship. Boundaries are about focusing on your side of the relationship and what you personally control. The other person's boundaries are about what the other person controls. Each of you are responsible for adjusting your own personal boundaries to make the relationship work (or not). The good news is that there are only six boundaries in every human relationship, and they are named on your Boundaries Dashboard for you.